Balsall Heath Repair Cafe
The Old Print Works, and partner organisations in Balsall Heath and our local community include people with wide ranging skills and experience. This, with a focus on sustainability saw the start of Balsall Heath Repair Cafe.
Delayed a bit by the Covid Pandemic, we have been able to setup a Repair Cafe at The Old Print Works. All the menders offer their skills and knowledge on a voluntary basis – and with the concept of sharing skills and confidence in making safe repairs at home to your household items.
Saving on landfill, saving old items from needing to be thrown away, and enjoying the sharing of skills between all – building relationships, having fun and learning new things.
Balsall Heath Repair Café is based at the Old Print Works,
498 – 506 Moseley Road
West Midlands
B12 9AH
*******Next Repair Cafe – The MAC 11am – 2pm, January 25th*********

of landfill in Birmingham each year
bicycles are thrown away in the UK each year
of people would like to know how to repair their broken things