I understand:
- I bring items to be repaired at my own risk.
- That the face that the repairs are being performed by unpaid volunteers reflects the allocation of risks and limitation of liability. Neither the organisers of the Repair Café nor the repair experts are liable for any loss that may result from advice or instructions concerning repairs, for the loss of items handed over for repair, for indirect or consequential loss or for any other kind of loss resulting from work performed in the repair cafe.
- Repairers may choose not to attempt to repair my item. This could be for safety or any other reason. Sometimes a professional repair service is needed. If we can, we’ll suggest a local provider.
- Repaires may take my item apart and not put it back together again. For example if the item is unsafe or broken beyond repair.
- If batteries, leads, plugs, fuses, zips, or other ‘consumables’ are needed, I need to provide them. Or buy them at the Repair Café – if in stock
- I have to stay with the repairer while my repair is being carried out If you can work with the repairer and pick up new skills, that’s even better!
- I have to take my item away with me when I leave. Even if it’s not been possible to fix it
- If I have more than one item, it will be looked at if repairers have time, but I will have to go to the back of the queue if there is one
- If I’ve brought children with me, I’m responsible for their behaviour and safety.
- Photographs or video may be taken at the Repair Café and used for publicity purposes. If I don’t want photographs or video of me to be used this way, I will let the organisers know.